Page 63
Chapter 7: Outputs Menu
This chapter explains the options in the Outputs menu.
Radio Outputs
Add Outputs
To use a radio output, you must use this option to teach the identity of the receiver to the
control unit.
If you are teaching 762r or 768r receivers, make sure that you disable IR learn on
the receivers first.
Please refer to page 26 for details of how outputs are addressed.
Edit Outputs
Specify a name for each output you want to use.
Select the output type, as described below.
You can select an output type quickly by entering the number shown in brackets
after the type’s name, for example:“04” to select Open/Close. The number does not
appear on the keypad display.
Not Used (00)
The output is never active.
Fire Alarm (01)
Active when the control unit starts a fire alarm.
Hold Up Alarm (02)
Active when the control unit starts a hold up alarm.
Burglar Alarm (03)
Active when any of the following zones are triggered while set: Normal Alarm,
Tamper (in a set system), Entry Route, Tamper Zone (in a set system), Entry time
expires, 24 hour (in a set system).
Open/Close (04)
Active when the system (or partition) is unset. Inactive when the system (or partition)
is set. If you allocate this output to multiple partitions, the output will deactivate if any
one partition is set or part set.
This output is inverted relative to other outputs, it is normally at 0V for an unset
(open) system.
Alarm Abort (05)
Active when an alarm in the selected partition has been aborted by the user within
the abort period. Deactivates when the alarm is reset.