HFX Product Family Installation and Operation Manual E-ELCL-II002-E2 July 2019
Above is the Current/PWM Outputs Configuration tab.
This tab displays indications that reflect faults
associated with the outputs (i.e. short to Vbat, short
to ground, open circuit, over current, and loss of
control). Additionally, the individual channels PWM
Frequency, Dither Frequency, Dither Amplitude,
Drive Mode, Fault processing, Proportional, and
Integral gain can all be configured here.
PWM Frequency: This is the fundamental
frequency used to drive the output driver (note)
that this must be ≥ Dither Frequency. The 2 A
outputs support a maximum of 2 kHz & the 4 A
outputs support a maximum of 500 Hz.
Dither Frequency: This is the frequency that
modulates the PWM duty cycle signal (note) that
this must be ≤ PWM Frequency.
Dither Amplitude: This is the amount of peak to
peak variation in % of PWM duty cycle used for
Drive Mode: This selects between closed loop
current control mode or open loop PWM duty
cycle mode.
High or Low Side: Selects between a high or low
side driver for the channel (note that this only
applies to 4 A channels).
Enable Channel Faults: Select to enable automatic
system fault processing for this output channel.
K_p: Proportional gain for current control loop.
K_i: Integral gain for current control loop.
Shared Variables:
DUTY_HS: High Side PWM duty cycle commanded
Less Than High Side PWM measured indicates a
short to battery fault.
DUTY_LS: Low Side PWM duty cycle commanded
Greater Than Low Side PWM measured indicates
a potential short to battery fault.
VLOAD_RATIO: Measured output voltage >
commanded output voltage indicates a potential
short to battery fault.
OPEN_DUTY: Commanded duty cycle >
measured duty cycle indicates a potential open
load condition.
HFX Product Family