Single Line Diagram
The single line diagram includes the graphically description of the breaker and its designation (name) as well as its
features (short circuit proof or not ...). For displaying in the devices software, the switchgear' designations (e. g. QA1,
QA2, instead of SG[x]) will be taken from the single line diagram (configuration file).
The configuration file includes the single line diagram and the breaker properties. The breaker properties and single line
diagram are coupled via the configuration file.
Switchgear Configuration
At first the switchgear positioning indicators have to be connected to the digital inputs of the protection device.
One of the position indicators (either the »Aux CLOSE
« or the »Aux OPEN«) contact has to be connected necessarily.
It is recommended also to connect the »Aux OPEN
« contact.
Thereafter the command outputs (relay outputs) have to be connected with the switchgear.
Please observe the following option: In the general settings of a breaker, the
CLOSE/OPEN commands of a protection element can be issued to the same output
relays, where the other control commands are issued.
If the commands are issued to different relays output relays the amount of wiring