SOTF - Switch Onto Fault Protection
In case a faulty line is energized (e.g.: when an grounding switch is in the CLOSE position), an instantaneous trip is
required. The SOTF module is provided to generate a permissive signal for other protection functions such as
overcurrents to accelerate their trips. The SOTF condition is recognized according to the User’s operation mode that
can be based on:
The breaker state;
No current flowing;
Breaker state and no current flowing;
Breaker switched on manually; and/or
An external trigger.
This protection module can initiate a high speed trip of the overcurrent protection modules. The module can be started
via a digital input that indicates that the breaker is manually closed.
This module issues a signal only (the module is not armed and does not
issue a trip command).
In order to influence the trip settings of the overcurrent protection in case
of switching onto a fault, the User has to assign the signal “SOTF
to an Adaptive Parameter Set. Please refer to Parameter / Adaptive
Parameter Sets sections. Within the Adaptive Parameter Set, the User has
to modify the trip characteristic of the overcurrent protection according to
the User's needs.