Thank you for purchasing the EasyPro UV Clarifier.
Used with care this product should provide years
of service. Ultraviolet light is a wavelength of light
which inhibits algae growth from reproducing. Ul-
traviolet light is not designed to kill string algae.
Safety & Electrical Connections
1. Always disconnect the electrical supply
before handling, maintaining, repairing or
installing any pond equipment.
2. This product is not submersible and should be placed where it cannot fall into the water or become
water logged. However, the design is weather proof, and Easy Pro UV Clarifiers can be safely in-
stalled outdoors.
3. Direct exposure to Ultra-Violet light can damage eyes and skin. Do not attempt to view the lamp
when lit, except through the clear barbed fitting.
4. Connect this product only to a receptacle protected by a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter.
5. All electrical work must be performed by a qualified technician. Always follow the National Electri-
cal Code (NEC) or the Canadian Electrical Code as well as all local, state and provincial codes.
Code questions should be directed to your local electrical inspector. Failure to follow electrical
codes and OSHA safety standards may result in personal injury or equipment damage. Failure to
follow manufacturer’s installation instructions may result in electrical shock, fire hazard, personal
injury or death, damaged equipment, provide unsatisfactory per-
formance and may void manufacturer’s warranty.
Unpacking and Installation
1. Before unpacking the UV unit, visually check to see that the prod-
uct is not damaged in the packaging.
2. The UV bulb and the UV sleeve come already installed in the unit.
3. Carefully remove the UV unit from the package.
Figure 1
Dual Outlet, High Quality
UV Clarifiers
Instructions for Operation • Safety • Warranty
3 Year