Edit Command Setting File
Before using the graphic integration compiler, you can use a text editor to write the command file -
“UartTFT.ini”. The command file consists of two parts, one is the TFT serial panel information
setting [INFO], and the other is the TFT serial panel command setting [USERCMD] detail
explanation as follow:
Information Setting [INFO]
PCVersion: V10 // SW Version : 0x10=V1.0, 0x11=V1.1, 0x12=V1.2 .....
COMPort: UART // COM Port: 0x00=UART, 0x01=SPI, 0x02=I2C
Baudrate: 115200 // UART Baudrate
PCBVersion: V10 // PCB Version : 0x10=V1.0, 0x11=V1.1, 0x12=V1.2 .....
MCUBit: 32 // MCU Data Bus: 0x00 = 8bit, 0x01 = 16bit,
0x02 = 32bit
MCUType: EastRising // MCU Maker:
0x00 = EastRising
, 0x01 = STM, 0x02 = STC
768Type: 268B // 0x00: 7680A, 0x01: 7680B, 0x02: 7681, 0x03: 7683,
// 0x04: 7686, 0x05: 7688,
0x06: 268A
, 0x07: 268B
768IF: SPI // MCU to LT768 I/F: 0x00 = 8080-8,0x01 = 8080-16,
0x02 = SPI
, 0x03 = I2C
XSIZE: 240 // TFT Panel X-Size
YSIZE: 320 // TFT Panel Y-Size
VBPD: 23 // Vsync Back-Porch
VFPD: 22 // Vsync Front-Porch
VSPW: 3 // Vsync Pulse Width
HBPD: 46 // Hsync Back-Porch
HFPD: 210 // Hsync Front-Porch
HSPW: 20 // Hsync Pulse Width
PCLKRISING: 1 // 0: Panel fetches XPDAT at XPCLK rising edge,1:falling edge
HSYNCPolarity: 0 // 0 : Low active, 1 : High active.
VSYNCPolarity: 0 // 0 : Low active, 1 : High active.
DEPolarity: 1 // 0 : Low active, 1 : High active.
RGBSequence: RGB // 000b : RGB,001b : RBG,010b : GRB,011b : GBR,
// 100b : BRG,101b : BGR
ColorDepth: 16 // Color Depth: 0x00 = 8bit, 0x01 = 16bit, 0x02 = 24bit
FlashType: NOR // FlashType: 0x00 = NOR Flash, 0x01 = NAND Flash
FlashSize: 16 // Flash Size, Unit: 1MByte
Most of the above information settings are provided by ER-TFT028A2-4-5465 TFT serial panel
manufacture . The manufacturer of the TFT panel will provide the above information
according to the characteristics of the TFT panel and the hardware design. With the
information, users only need to add them to the beginning of the command file. For example,
if the TFT serial Panel is a 240*320 TFT Panel, the XSIZE and YSIZE must be set as follows:
XSIZE: 240
YSIZE: 320
The resolution of the TFT panel is fixed at the factory. The user only needs to add the [INFO]
information provided by the manufacture to the front of the command file, so that the
information of [INFO] is settled.