3.3.7 Register Operation Instructions (CA)
CAh ~ CFh instructions are mainly used to manipulate registers, which are suitable for digital
changes, brightness adjustment, volume adjustment, etc.
CAh: Call the 9A instruction according to the value of the register, CAh 00h is the call instruction
9Ah [00]
CBh: This instruction points to register, CBh 00h points to register 00;
CCh: This instruction is to write the register, CCh 01h and CBh 00h are used together to write the
value 01 to the register 00, at this time [00] becomes 01;
CDh: This instruction is to read the register, CDh 03h is to read the value of the register 03 at this
time, and then upload it to the host;
CEh: This instruction adds one to the value in the register, CEh 02h is the value of register 02 at
this time plus one, [02] + 1;
CFh: This instruction is the value in the register minus one, CFh 05h is the value of the register 05
at this time minus one, [05]-1.
Please refer to project example for more detail.
Figure 3-68B: CA-CF Operation Example