From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Page 1: ... Keep hands arms and hair awayfrom the knifearea at all times Mlsu SQ ot this 1 1 achine ot failure to follow all safety instructions on this machine and in the instruction manual may resu11in serious personal injuries fasfmaO flf Tijlttml COMPANY 779 Washington St Buffalo N Y 14203 1396 U S A 716 856 2200 Fox 716 856 1140 or 716 856 2068 From the library of Superior Sewing Machine Supply LLC ...
Page 2: ...ecialty Machines 19 Plastic Masler Modei627PM f629PM 19 Sharpening the Knife 5 MiCro Fog Modei627MF1629MF 19 Removing the Sharpener 5 Replacing the Rubber Driver Pulley 6 IMPORTANT This manual contains instructions alld part numbers lor two d1 N erent machines Brute Model 627 and Blue S1teak II Model 629 It you contact Eastman Machine COmpany lor information or to Older parts always specify the ma...
Page 3: ...hen the mach neISnot io use keep the pr Sure foot knife guatd Sow red and locked at all times Safety glows and glasses and appropriate clothing may prevent serious per sonallnjurfes 01sconnec1 the powersupply from themaChinewnon it i s not in use or during routinG maintenance in clucting IIA lrication The purchaser must instruct ell operators in the proper usc of tile machine aooording to the inst...
Page 4: ... rec iprocates easily If heknifedoesnotmove easiry the sharpener may be in the untod ed position 4 To fock the sharpener in place lih the release fever Figure 2 0 and press the sharpener lever Figure 2 E to roklaso the sharpener Ralso the sharpener btackot Figufo 2 S by hat1d to lock itin place Onoo tho sharpooer is klcked n place you may dJsengage the release lever and shaiJ ner lever Repeat step...
Page 5: ...chine in an emergency The meaning of au wamlng labels on the machine What happens to n Klmachinewhenyou oporototho controls Proper art up procedures desc l ed in lnilial Set Up section What to doin the eventofa jam or other unfOteseen situation How to disconnectpower from the machine If you are not familiar with any of these points ask your supervisor or oontact an Eastman ropresentatflle 2 Cheekt...
Page 6: ... knlfft guard pres suro loot low ered to the b6seplate by deprMSing the prM Ure foot lever Fig n 2 R 1 Turn oft mac l1ine w1 0n nol cutting labile 4 Tllmlng Oft the Machine Whorl you llnilhOd using your machine 1 Posl1ion the power switch to off 2 Make sure thO l t lfo guarcVprosaurc toot is toworod to 11 e baseplaiO by depl g tile pressure lool IoYer Figure 2 R 3 Dlsconneo l theanac hmemplugfrom ...
Page 7: ...plug Figure 2 P and insertagrease tube Squeeze an amount ol grease approximately the site of a pea Into the opening WARNING RoutinelyOheck thetightness of the operating handle to n Ura a oocure oonooC1iOn Sharpening the Knife Sharpen the knife at frequent intecvals or whenever you feel itIs not cutting adequately 1 Take the machine out of the lay 2 Drop the knife guard ptessure foot using the pres...
Page 8: ...lley as shown In Figure 4 Replace this driver puUoy wtlcoevOf It a p pears to be wom or damaged as follows 1 Remove the sharpenerfrom the madllne see Remov ing the Sh8rpeneron page 5 2 Press the sharpene r lever Ftgure 3 E to a neutral position and lower the sharpener until an inch of the Quare shah Figure 4 W is exposed 6 W square shatt Fl ure 4 Replacing the Rubber DriverPulley 3 Hold the square...
Page 9: ...Note Sharpener belts are available in four grits Rough Coarse Medium and Fine Sec AOraslvc8clr Grits on pages 17 18 fOt ordering lnlorm atlon Adjusting Stabilizers for Central Alignment 1 Disengage theattachmentplug ifyou havenotalready dono this 2 O J t ess the sharpener Jever Figu 2 Eon pag e 3 halfwayand lowerth beltcarrie to lheext emebOllom position 3 Loosen the screws Figure 6 1 end disengag...
Page 10: ... on the clamping ann a1 e womorthe sha pener shoe Figure 6 11 is worn 3 Replace wom part s as noceosary 8 Che ldng the ExtremaDown Position of the Sharpener The ooneQ downposition is with the Up of the knife at the center of the bett on the shoe Figure 6 12 The belt should be in the most dovmward position and the knife should beIn the mostupward position It the berts are too high the bottom point ...
Page 11: ... re lighten the lodcnut Check the Width of the Bevel on the Knife Tho bevel shOuld bo appro dmatoty t 16 on botn sktos If it Is not 1 Install a naw kndo and new bei1S 2 Color the bevel with a wax pencil 3 Run the sharpener up and down the knife several times 4 If an adjustment is required for Flex Pad shoes insert tool C6226 over the belt guide pad Move the free end od the tool to the teat to ir c...
Page 12: ... the knife skit in the sta ldatd will tho slot cleaner Figure 7 2 8 Insert a new knife in the knife stot Be S lre to set the knife UghUy against the knife lockbolt Hold the bottom ol the knife against the backof the SlOt in the standatd and tighten the knife to kbOit 10 9 After tightening the kni1e IOckbOll cheok to sae it the knife runs freely in lheslanclard by rotaling lhe lumi Q knob 10 lnslal...
Page 13: ... ft 80C7 36HS 80C7 19HS e 7SP 80C8 80C0 14 80CI 11J SOCaH 80C81 ft OOC MHS 8oct 19HS IOCOSP 9 OOC9 80C9 19 80C9HS OOC lt S ft aoco MHS 80C9 19HS 80C9SP 10 80CIO 810C1G 19 80C10HS 80C10HS R 80C1o 36HS 80C1Q 19HS 80CIOSP 11 112 80C11 112 80C11 1 2HS 80C11 112HS R 80C11 112 36HS aDC11 112 19HS 80CI1 1 lSP 80C13 80C13HS 80C13H R 80 13SP 80C6 47HS 6 HI JI I SPMCI WttY Speciel Groo o 8d KntvN tor Micro ...
Page 14: ...ew and toosan i1 slightly 6 For ak lngert twel onthOkniteeog e movothekeyand bk c to the rear Fora shorterbevel move them to the front 7 Re ti9hten the set screw 8 Adjust the Bevel tuocs on both s hoes 9 Retvm the sharpener to the top locked position 10 Check tho stop screws on the sharpener shoes tor COfTcct setting as doscfibed In Checking t to Stop Screw on the Sllarpcncr Sllocon page 9 11 C ll...
Page 15: ...w Set e stwog Shoe 2 00 Spring Shoe LH Spring Shoe A H Wrench Allen Wron h Allon Shoo Shalpene A H Shoe Shalpene L H Screw Socket8 32 x 5 16 2 required Bevel Block A bly A H Bevel BloCk Assembly LH Corrvet8ion Kit lnctudee partt abovt Note 766C1 and 766C1 1oro aoklln pa ra w1lh kits only 103C2 3S 766C1 308C10 1 BUBASSI MBLY 743CS INct UDU Shoe SharpenerR H Bevel BloekA Urrbtoj A H Screw Socker8 32...
Page 16: ...shead and guides tight b Standard not in alignment w11h etosshead c Slandardbent a Thre phase incorrecl wiring a lnsens in connector worn Change connector b Terminal pins worn PROBLEM Machine does not move easily on table Nobevel on ooo side ot blade Sharpener belt cut oHby blade Pressure foot rod doesnol move freely Pressure foot rod docs not hold Sharpener rvns slowly Bevel very wide on both sld...
Page 17: ... I T4 I TS START T6 HI LOV TJ CAP NP LOV T2 ______ DUAL SPEED SVITCH CENTER OFF T2 T1 ALL SINGLE PHASE SINGLE SPEED MACHINES YELLOV T2 TJ TJ CAP NP YELLOV CENTRIFUGAL SVITCH 13 r 1 TS START T2 T2 RUN T1 Figure 12 Single Phase Cleetrical Configuration fastmanmmllftml _ _ _ C 0 M PANV I S From the library of Superior Sewing Machine Supply LLC ...
Page 18: ...shead with fine emery cloth 9 Hone any rough spots on the bearing surface of the cr05Sllead against a flat oilstone until smooth 10 Examine the guides If there is any evicl enoe of a high spot remove It nth a scraperand then clean 11 011the bearing surface of the guides Insert the cross hoad androassombtethe machine Ensure thowasher Figure 13 10 lsIn placo bCI ocn tho connocting rOd and crosshoad ...
Page 19: ...aikfble MeUJIMeSh GlOve Styk s Ordering Details All g1ovesare available with three or five fingers Three fingered glovos havG an additional palm strap Note Right handed operators should Of der eft Haner gloves Lett handed operatorsshould order Right Hand gloves Genuine Eastman Abrasive Belts Eastman s four abtaslve belt gtlts offer an edge for wery fabric For lnoraaSGCIcunlng efflcloncy Eastman ot...
Page 20: ... _ lollnelt _ _ UIIC2 SPECW PERFOOMAI4CE BElTS ElocttCSIItlicllryColl OCI f lNESELT ewe W C OIUN8El T GI EEN 181 2 2 1 FI Juro 16 Edges Produood by Different Bslt Grits Available as an oplion on newmachines or tor retrofitting to any existing Eastman straight knife the Ergo Handle a IO vs the operator to adjust the handle downward from the standard horizontal through a 14 degree range Ad justing t...
Page 21: ...ster Mk ro Fog Model 627MF1629MF Eastman sMlctoFogisdesigned tortho samo purposeas the PlasticMaster but ismoreoompt hensive The exclu sive Mioco Fog and a 00 120 psi compressed air hose sends a mist ot eoo anVIubricant behind the knife and out through special slotted wave blades to penetrate every layer of ctoth and clfmlnoto tho oondltlons that cause fus lng Mleto Fogs are only available witr l ...
Page 22: ...e I 112 1 214 tCt t II I I Z l ftJo vc 1 1 1 010 1 lolllf I tut tc tl 1 1 5 8 1 VZ I ICI I ll t IO rife 11 11 1 t U 11 112 IC1 12 11112 KriiO t tn n tn tCU t 13 K rilo tW t IH t tt 1 1 1 1 J t te n Note L H indicates ieft hand thread AJIothers are right hand HOT FORSPECIALSHOES IF THEt ACHit E15NOT AN 1800 APN OA A OUA1 sPCCO UNIT IT MUST 8C EOUII f f D WITHA t584C3 t 4SlOW Si EED DAIVER INClUDING...
Page 23: ...o 57 Sa 20Ct2 7 R H stw R H Spmg or Shoot wtlfHUSUrfO THESE 1 ECIAI SHO S THE FOllOWING PAATSMUSTElf REMOV 0FROM THEt OWI R GEAR BAACICE T SEEPAGE u FORSlOW SPEEDOAIVE NOTE Figure 31 I Dwer Ge r BrocketAssembly Exploded VIew fastma lftTIB COMPANY 21 From the library of Superior Sewing Machine Supply LLC ...