EA Technology
CableData Collector Operating Manual
Page 38 of 54
Capture Reports
A capture report is a brief summary of the data captured, to allow an overview of the data
capture process. The capture reports allow determining of the Data Capture Duration,
Number of Events Captured, Number of Waveforms captured on each channel, and the
number of phase reference errors. It also allows checking of the phase reference quality.
Figure 53 shows the capture report for a successful three-phase capture with a good phase
reference. There are a large number of events, 900 waveforms per channel and 0 phase
reference errors. This is what a Capture Report should ideally look like.
Figure 53 - Capture Report for successful three-phase capture with constant phase reference
Figure 54 shows the capture report for a successful single-phase capture with a good phase
reference. Again, there are a large number of events captured, and there are 300 waveforms
for channel 1, with zero phase reference errors.
Figure 54 - Capture report for successful single-phase capture with constant phase reference