Dear E30Love Customer,
Thank you for your purchase of the ‘Vintage DashPort’ BMW glove box power adapter. Your
new adapter will allow you to power 12v devices from the glovebox flashlight (torch) connector
This adapter was moulded to close tolerances. The plug will generally fit snugly on initial
connection. This is to both prevent the plug from coming loose, and to provide adequate
electrical contact. It is quite rugged and will support some abuse during installation and use.
Before Installing Your Adapter:
Inspect the power port on the left side of the glovebox, and clean it of any dirt, grease or lint. A
qtip and contact cleaner is useful here. Some accumulation can make the connector more
difficult to fit and small amounts build up in here over time. The metal prongs inside should be
inspected and not be spread too wide. Clean, adjust and ideally apply some contact cleaner to
the prongs.
To Connect:
Black = Bottom
Red = Top
Support the back or side of the connector port in the glovebox with your left hand from behind or
from the side, while you insert the connector into the plug from the front with your right. The
Black (- negative) wire should be aligned with bottom (floor) prong and the Red (+ positive) with
the top (roof) and the plug should be inserted aligned with bottom of the port.