This is a non-trunked operating mode which
accesses independent radio channels. There is no auto-
matic access to several channels. Selecting a conven-
tional channel selects a transmit and receive frequency
and other channel parameters such as squelch control
Conventional channels can be either standard
(analog) or Project 25 (digital). With digital operation,
the DSP (Digital Signal Processor) converts the audio
signal to digital data which is sent over the air as
complex tones. Another difference is that analog chan-
nels use Call Guard (CTCSS/DCS) squelch control
and Project 25 channels use a NAC (Network Access
Code) and talk group ID codes.
With Project 25 operation, a NAC is transmitted
and it must match the NAC programmed in the base
equipment and the mobile(s) being called for commu-
nication to occur. In addition, to receive standard group
calls, the receiving mobile must be programmed to
detect the transmitted talk group ID code.
With conventional operation, a busy channel
condition is detected automatically if the busy channel
lockout (transmit disable on busy) feature is
programmed. Otherwise, it must be detected manually.
An out-of-range condition is not indicated by special
tones or messages as with SMARTNET operation
because there is no initial data exchange with the
repeater that allows this condition to be detected.
Operating features unique to conventional channels
are described in Section 5.
This is a trunked operating mode in which auto-
matic access is provided to several RF channels. ID
codes are used to select what mobiles are being called
and what calls are received. Monitoring is performed
automatically and special messages and tones indicate
busy and out-of-range conditions.
SMARTNET and SmartZone operation and
programming is very similar. Basically, SMARTNET
operation is limited to a single repeater site and Smart-
Zone operation allows automatic roaming between
sites. Enhanced SMARTNET/SmartZone features
include roaming (SmartZone only), telephone, private,
and emergency calls, Call Alert
, and messaging.
Either analog or digital signaling may be used.
When a SMARTNET or SmartZone channel is
selected or the radio is powered up on one of those
channels, it searches for a control channel. Once a
control channel is found, the alias (name) of the
selected channel is displayed and the radio attempts to
register on the radio system. If a control channel could
not be found (because of an out of range condition or
the system ID is not correct, for example), “NO SYS”
(early units) or “Out Rnge” (later units) is displayed
and the radio continues to search for a control channel.
The control channel transmits and receives
system information to and from all radios registered on
the system. Therefore, once a control channel is found,
it is continuously monitored for incoming call infor-
mation and is used to make call requests. The radio
automatically changes to a traffic channel to place and
receive calls and then returns to the control channel
when the call is complete. Operating features unique
to SMARTNET/SmartZone channels are described in
Section 6.
The P25 Trunked operating features are very
similar to the SmartZone type just described. Since
SmartZone features are also similar to SMARTNET
features, all three modes are described in Section 6.
Some differences between the P25 Trunking and
SmartZone modes are as follows:
Digital signaling is always used with P25 calls.
Either analog or digital signaling may be used for
SmartZone calls.
Calls made to a specific mobile in the P25 mode are
called Unit Calls. In the SMARTNET/SmartZone
mode they are called Private Calls.
Messaging is not available with P25 calls.
Telephone calls are currently not available in this
The P25 control channel data rate is 9600 baud and
the digital voice data rate is also 9600 baud. With