Draft 02 - Sep 1 2015
Viking Mobile Radio Operating Manual
SMARTNET / SmartZone / P25 Trunked Features
6.13 P25 Radio Unit Monitor
This feature allows a dispatcher to remotely monitor a radio from the console. This can be
especially useful when a radio is lost, stolen, or in cases of emergency.
The dispatcher may choose to make the user aware of this monitor or not. This is done by
toggling a silent mode flag when sending in the request. If silent mode is enabled during
the call, the user has no indication of the call occurring. However, any user input to the
monitored radio will end the call while in this mode.
To perform Radio Unit Monitor, the radio uses hot mic functionality. This means the radio
transmits without the user holding the PTT button. In the case of silent mode, no
indication such as display notifications or LEDs display. While in the silent mode state,
user input such as PTT or function button input immediately ends the call, affiliate the
radio back to the original talkgroup if necessary, and perform the user input action. This
implementation places priority on the call being “silent” while not taking any functionality
from the user.
Also specified in the Radio Unit Monitor command is the transmit time. The dispatcher
may choose any time between 1 and 255 seconds.
Additionally, a group for the radio to transmit is also specified in this request. The radio
keys up and transmits on this group for the specified transmit time. If the dispatcher
desires this to be a private call, it is recommended that a group is created solely for radio
unit monitor. This will keep traffic off this talkgroup and allow the call to be “private” –
between the dispatcher and target radio only. Unit-to-unit transmissions are not supported.
If encryption is desired, an algorithm ID and key ID can be specified. Invalid algorithm or
key IDs result in the radio ignoring the request. If these parameters are not valid, the user
will only be notified if silent mode is not enabled.
SmartZone and P25 Trunking Unique Features
and P25 Trunking modes can provide access to single or multi-site systems.
The P25 Trunking mode can provide access to a single trunking site or roaming between
several trunking sites.