53SL ES Series Mobile Radio Operating Manual April 2009
Operating Modes
Section 4 - General Operation
• The P25 mode uses a system ID, Wide Area Communications Network (WACN) ID,
and RF Subsystem ID (RFSS). The SmartZone mode does not use the WACN and
• P25 Unit IDs can be 1-16,777,215 (000001-FFFFFF hex) and SmartZone Unit IDs can
be 1-65,535 (0001-FFFF hex).
Systems, Channels, and Zones
A zone and channel are selected to place and receive calls. The following describes the
relationship between systems, channels, and zones.
A system is a collection of channels or talkgroups belonging to the same repeater site. It
defines all the parameters and protocol (system) information required to access a site.
When a system is added, you specify the type belonging to the same repeater site or
“multi-site” network - i.e., Conventional, SmartNet, SmartZone or P25 Trunking. Up to 16
systems of any type can be programmed.
The maximum number of channels assignable to a system is limited to 864, depending on
the option enabled. Channels may also be limited by available memory space as described
in the following information.
A channel selects a radio (RF) channel or talkgroup as follows:
Conventional Analog Mode -
A channel selects a specific radio channel, Call Guard
(CTCSS/DCS) squelch coding, and other parameters unique to that channel.
Conventional Project 25 Mode -
A channel selects a specific radio channel, NAC
squelch coding, talkgroup ID, and other parameters unique to that channel.
SMARTNET/SmartZone and Trunked Project 25 Modes -
A channel selects a
specific talkgroup, announcement group, emergency group, and other parameters
unique to that talkgroup.
A maximum of up to approximately 864 channels (depending on the option enabled) can
be programmed with the preceding modes. These channels can belong to a single system
or multiple systems. The maximum number is also limited by the available memory. For
example, since more memory is required to program a SMARTNET system than a
conventional system, the total number of channels decreases as the number of
SMARTNET channels increases.