DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope Instructions for Use
0230-53095, Rev 05
Revision Date 05-Mar-2021
Adding additional biopsy markers
Additional biopsy markers can be added after the map has been displayed by selecting
buttons. The biopsy markers which were added prior to the map will be displayed in bright blue and those
chosen after the map will be orange. Up to 5 biopsy markers can be added.
Biopsy point viewing
In order to assist the biopsy procedure, the “Hide Map” button can be pressed and the
DYSISmap will be
removed from view, leaving the biopsy points visible on the live image of the cervix.
The user annotations are digital marks overlaid on the displayed image, and do not follow the movements of
the cervix. Therefore, they should be used with caution if the cervix moves after marking.
The biopsy markers are ‘live’
and when the image of the cervix is magnified they will align with the area of
interest marked.
Exiting the Exam
To finish the examination after all desired data has been recorded and operations completed (i.e. biopsy
sample collection), the user must press the SAVE and EXIT EXAM button on the right lower corner of the screen.
Alternatively pressing the
button will also exit the exam.
Additional information post colposcopic examination
Information of clinical findings during the DYSIS Exam and management plan can be entered by selecting pre
populated boxes in the sections below. In addition, notes and drawings can be entered free hand by using
the touchscreen and the keyboard