DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope Instructions for Use
0230-53095, Rev 05
Revision Date 05-Mar-2021
Examination Screen (DYSISmap ON)
DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope will document the dynamic optical phenomena associated with the
acetowhitening effect in a colour-coded map (DYSISmap). DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope allows the
capturing of a sequence of images at high-resolution. The images are automatically aligned to compensate for
tissue micro-movements and are then used to calculate the DYSISmap.
The mapping feature should be used as an adjunct to the colposcopic examination and always after the user
has examined the patient and has selected biopsy sites (if applicable) based on standard practice guidelines.
Additional biopsy sites may be selected after viewing the colour-coded map but viewing the DYSISmap should
never lead to the cancellation of biopsy sites selected during the normal colposcopic exam.
The DYSISmap captures and documents the tissue acetowhitening dynamics (intensity over time). The
continuum of colours of the DYSISmap ranges from cyan to blue to green to red to yellow to white and denotes
a progressively stronger acetowhitening response.
The table below represents the colour code used to document the tissue acetowhitening dynamics as depicted
by DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope. This colour assignment is based on the intensity and duration of
acetowhitening over the period of the dynamic imaging procedure.