Auto Tune Installation Guide -
Basic installation and placement instructions are included in
the PCV installation guide for Harley Davidson models.
The Autotune kit when used in conjunction with the PCV allows the bike
to be automatically tuned to a target air/fuel ratio. To use this feature
you must first enable Auto Tune in the PCV.
Go to Device Tools - Configure - Autotune.
Enables Autotune feature
If using a switch (not included) check this box
How much time after starting the engine the soft
ware waits until it starts sampling
What temperature the engine needs to reach be
fore the software starts sampling.
The maximum the software will trim per session
Some models are shipped with the Autotune setup for basic mode (one
Target AFR table for both cylinders). If desired you can set different air/
fuel targets for each cylinder and each gear. Go to Device Tools -
Advance/Demote map.
Make sure that Fuel tables and Target AFR tables are set to the same
• Each Harley Davidson base map includes a base Target AFR table. These
settings are intended to deliver optimal performance while still
maintaining decent fuel mileage in the cruise area.
To alter the AFR target click on Target AFR in the tree view. Expand
each cylinder and/or gear if necessary to view the corresponding table.
If necessary type in different values in the cells. Multiple cells can be
highlighted by using click/drag with the mouse.
Shows current table being altered