Whenever a new drive profile is selected which has a different joystick source, the drive profile LEDs and the mode
button LED will flash briefly.
7.1.6 Battery gauge indicator
The battery gauge is situated below and left of the information
display. It displays the battery's state of charge if it's not being
charged or a battery charging sequence when the battery is being
charged, as described below.
Figure 22: The battery gauge indicator
Users who find it difficult to differentiate the colours used in the battery gauge should use the master remote
module's display to determine the battery's state of charge. Battery gauge indicator when not charging
If the battery is not being charged, the battery gauge displays the battery's state of charge with one
of three colours (green, amber and red).
The indicator is permanently lit when the battery is between
; when the state of charge
drops to or below the battery empty level, the indicator will flash too.
The table below shows the battery gauge indicator and the recommended actions for each state.
Battery state of charge
Recommended actions
Flashing green - battery over-
Stop charging the battery
Green - battery full.
No action required.
Amber - battery half full.
Consider starting return journey.
Red - battery low.
Consider recharging battery soon.
Flashing red - battery empty.
Recharge the battery now. Battery gauge indicator when charging
If the battery is being charged, the battery gauge displays the battery charging sequence. The
charging sequence, which repeats every 3.6 seconds, is a succession of:
current state of charge
Each stage of the sequence is lit for 400 ms except for current state of charge, which is lit for 1.6
seconds. The current state of charge stage displays the battery level as the battery is charging: red
(empty), amber (half full) or green (full).
GBK65701 DX2 Compact Remote Modules
Installation Manual Issue 1
Operation - Page 25