Chapter 3: Installation and Testing
Brake and Reversing Lights
Pin 3 and Pin 11 on the tiller connector can be configured as either a brake light or reversing
light. Either light output may be connected to an LED array (500mA) or relay-driven
incandescent or halogen bulb.
If an LED array is used, it must be a 24V array and have its own internal current limiting system.
An LED array will also need to incorporate reverse polarity protection such as a series diode.
Note: An LED array may exhibit a faint glow if not engaged.
The brake light will operate whenever the controller decelerates. The reversing light will
operate whenever the controller is driving in reverse.
LED Lighting Output
Incandescent or Halogen bulb output
24V Relay (<100mA)
24V Relay with fly-back and
series diode (<500mA)
Pins 3 and 11 can be set to one of Beeper, Brake Light, Reversing Light or Status.
Light Output
(Pin 3 or 11)
Light Output
(Pin 3 or 11)
500mA LED
light array
24V relay
24V relay