Fan Maintenance
SpycerBox Ultra/Flex | Hardware Guide | Version 3.1
Rohde & Schwarz DVS GmbH
Open the casing of the system as described in section “Opening
the Casing” on page 5-8.
With the casing of the system open, you can now test the fans. For this
you have to plug in the power supply again.
Reconnect the power cords.
Press the power switch to turn on the system.
Observe the fans and memorize the failed one (the fan not revolv-
ing is the broken one).
Press the power switch until the system turns off.
After this disconnect the power cables once again.
With the broken fan identified you can replace it. For this perform the
Press the latch of the respective fan module towards the front of
the system (1 in the figure below).
With the locking mechanism released pull the fan module up and
out of the system (2 in the figure below).
System damage
Computer hardware contains components that are sensitive to
electrostatic discharge. If you touch them without precautionary
measures, they can be destroyed.
Use a wrist strap connected to ground when accessing elec-
tronic parts and take care of grounding the system. Avoid
touching the internal components of the computer system.
Safety danger
Testing the fans is possible only with an opened casing and
the power turned back on. If you do not behave correctly,
serious injuries or death could be the consequences.
Once the power cables are plugged in again do not
touch anything else than the external power cords or
the power switch at the front of the system. Under no
circumstances reach inside the system.
After testing the fans switch off the power and dis-
connect the power cables immediately.