DV8 RS-14 Rear Bumper Installation Guide
General Notes:
Installation Time:
Removing the factory bumper
15 to 30 minutes
Installing the new bumper
45 minutes to 1 hour
If carrying a stock tire, it will most likely
be necessary to remove the spare tire to complete
installation. If you have an oversized tire, it may be necessary to remove the spare tire if you
cannot fully move the tire out of the way to allow bumper removal.
It will be necessary to remove your factory tow hook if your Jeep came equipped with one. It is
not possible to run this hook with this bumper.
It will
be necessary to remove your factory tow hitch. It is recommended that you clean
and cover the hitch with Velcro as you will see later in the installation guide.
Required Tools:
3/8 Drive Ratchet
16mm Shallow Socket
18mm Socket
OEM Bumper Removal
Read the General Notes before proceeding to avoid potential extra work.
Remove the bolts securing the S-Tab to your bumper and frame. Use your 3/8 Drive and 16mm
Socket. These are located towards the center of your rear bumper. If you have a tow hitch,
they will be on either side of the hitch mount.