Dutch Pinball
Technical Support TBL FAQ
rev 0.51
Page 34 hang-ups freeze P3-ROC lost issues faq rel 0.52
Provide an extra 5VDC powerfeed to the P3-ROC
The P3-ROC board is on a piggy-back connected to the Main Mother Board (MMB) below the main
playfield. Suppose the connectorpins of the P3-
ROC don’t have a 200% contact with the female
header on the MMB it can be because of vibrations (caused by playing) the 5VDC is, briefly, lost
causing an USB failure between the P3-ROC and PC.
This also is of special interest
in case of the “P3
ROC NOT FOUND” error on the display.
To fix this, please follow the instructions below.