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Gxx_A2 Sales Br
e • P/N 226 359 • Edi 01/08
Gas Pressure Switch
for DMV safety shutoff valves
The GAO-, GMH-, and GML-A2… pres-
sure switches are compact, ventless gas
pressure switches for modular valve train
A2 pressure switches are suitable for
making and/or breaking a circuit when
the medium pressure changes relative
to the set point. The set point can be
set in the field by an adjustable dial with
an integrated scale. The switches incor-
porate a vent limiter as per UL 353 and
limits the escape of gas less than 1.0 CFH
of natural gas at 7 PSI if internal switch
diaphragm ruptures.
The GAO-, GMH-, and GML-A2… pres-
sure switches are recommended for
industrial and commercial heating ap-
plications with DMV dual modular valves,
SV safety valves, MBC multifunctional
controls, and FRI modular pressure regu-
lators. Various mounting options allow
direct mounting on the housing.
The GAO-, GMH-, and GML-A2… pres-
sure switch is suitable for natural gas,
propane, butane, air and other inert
gases. Suitable for up to 0.1% by vol-
ume, dry H
UL Listed
• UL 353
• File # MH 16628
CSA Certified
• CSA C22.2 No. LR 53222
• File # 201527
FM Approved
• Class 3510, 3530
• File # J.I. 1Y9A9.AF
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Approved Product
• Approval code G3-0106-191
• Gas pressure switch
Codes and Standards
This product is intended for installations
covered by but not limited to NFPA
85, NFPA 86, UL 795, CSD-1, ANSI
Z83.4, ANSI Z83.18, ANSI Z21.13,
and CSA B149.3.
DUNGS is an ISO 9001
manufacturing facility.