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all partitions of this host (HOST 01 in system default; the user cannot change it) except for Partition 3
and all partitions of extended host 01 except for Partition 4 (extended host is numbered from 02, and the
user cannot change it), that’s to say, if the user uses the grouping mode in the microphone whose
address is 01, the selection of Group 01 for paging is equivalent to the simultaneous selection of five
groups of both the host and the extended host for paging.
Precaution: after completing the modification, please click the “Application”. Otherwise, your setting cannot achieve your
expected purpose in the corresponding equipment. Fire Rules
1. Set the fire execution rules;
2. Set the contact output partition and online relay status;
Click the Item “Fire mode” as shown below:
In the above figure:
the user can select “Specify Partition” or “All partition” from the drop-down box on the right side of
“Alarm mode”:
“Specify partition” means that the system will only play EVAC voice message to the specified partition of
corresponding contact and close the output to other partitions when the system has detected the input fire signals in
“Trigger Inputs” of the host or the extended host (Cautions: when the current output audio is not the EVAC voice and its
priority is higher than EVAC voice, the system will only start the fire and will not close the partitions for current output. The
user shall pay attention to it while configuring or setting the “Audio priority”);
(2)“All partition” means that once the fire signal is input from “Trigger Inputs” of the host or the extended host, the system
will close all partitions and play the EVAC voice;