Controlling the DryBuddyFLEX 3
Many important controls for the DryBuddyFLEX are located on the Transceiver where they can
be manually set and operated. The Remote controls allow basic operations to be conveniently
performed wirelessly.
Switching the DryBuddyFLEX 3 / Transceiver between its OFF, SLEEP, READY and
ALARM States
The Transceiver (and DryBuddyFLEX 3 system) can be in the following states:
For the DryBuddyFLEX to function, electric power must be supplied to the Transceiver(s).
The provided Power Supply must be plugged into a suitable electrical outlet which provides AC
power, and the plug at the end of its cable plugged in to the socket at the end of the
Transceivers “tail.” (See Fig. 6D). Please note that this attachment is a “bayonet” plug where
the plug is inserted in the socket and then rotated. This keeps the plug firmly in place. When
power is provided, the Power button at the top of the Transceiver will show a YELLOW light.
When electric power is not provided, there will not be any light in the Power button, and the
Transceiver will be OFF.
A YELLOW light indicates that the system is in its SLEEP state. This is the “rest” state for
the Transceiver, when it is not ready to function and will not alarm. The Transceiver must be in
its SLEEP state to use the settings buttons on the side of the Transceiver and to synchronize the
DryBuddyFLEX system.
When the Transceiver is in its SLEEP state (YELLOW light) it can be switched to its
READY state by
Manually pressing the Power button on the Transceiver, or
Pressing the ON button on the Remote.
In the READY state, the Power button light is GREEN. The Transceiver is now ready to receive
the alarm signal from the Sensor and sound the alarm.
The Transceiver activates its built-in audio alarm or any connected alarm such as a bed
shaker. The light in the Power button is RED. The Transceiver is switched to its ALARM state by
Receiving a signal from the Sensor when it senses wetness, or
Testing the system (described later).
The alarm can be switched OFF (or stopped) by