Copyright 2019 Baker Hughes Company.
6 | 137M7122 DPI 705E / DPI 705E IS User Manual–English
1. Ensure the display is on the sensor reading screen as shown in the example below.
2. Press the
3. The display will then show the maximum recorded reading.
The up-arrow on the display indicates that the current reading is the maximum pressure
reading. e.g. 11
If there is a dash symbol below the up arrow, it means the reading is negative (not
shown in current example).
4. To reset the maximum pressure reading, press and hold the
key until a beep sound is
heard (if audio is enabled).
5. The reading will then reset, and the unit will immediately start measuring again, but is still
only showing the maximum reading on the display - this is effectively Peak Hold mode.
6. Press the
key to exit maximum display mode.
2.2 Minimum Reading
The minimum reading is the lowest read by the instrument since power up. The value will be reset
each time the device is turned off.
To view / reset the minimum pressure:
1. Ensure the display is on the sensor reading screen as shown in the example below.
2. Press the
3. The display will show maximum pressure reading, with up-arrow.