Rev A
T rus ted P latform Module (T P M) S upport
The X7 supports the Infineon SLB 9635 TPM controller module. This module meets the
requirements of the Trusted Computing Group (TCG) Trusted Platform Module Specification
1.2. The TPM module is connected to the low pin count (LPC) bus.
For more information on TPM capabilities with the ARMOR X7, contact DRS Tactical Systems,
Inc. toll free at 1-800-872-1100.
F lex s pac e™ E x pans ion
Your ARMOR X7 contains special areas with flexible I/O interfaces that can accommodate
custom cards or modules. These special areas are referred to as “flexspace.”
There are two flexspace locations in the ARMOR X7: An internal flexspace located directly
under the cooling register (the area bounded in red in Figure 15), and a special battery adapter
flexspace that takes the place of the right-side battery, as shown in Figure 16.
Internal F lex s pac e
The internal flexspace accepts a custom circuit board or module that connects to the X7 using
one of two different interface adapters: mini PCIe or PCI/USB. The example in Figure 15 shows
a WWAN card and SIM socket module connected with the mini PCIe adapter. Each interface
adapter plugs into a 60-pin flexspace connector which is mounted on the motherboard.
The internal flexspace provides the following voltages and signals: +5VDC @ 1A, 3.3VDC @
1A, two USB 2.0 ports, four GPIO discretes to the EC processor, one PCI Express channel, one
RS-232 serial port with hardware handshake and connections for a microphone and stereo
headphone. Two spare pins for future use are also provided.
The cooling register/cover can be modified to accommodate cards and modules requiring
thicker cross-sections.
B atter y A dapter F lex s pac e
The battery adapter flexspace can house a custom module or antenna, or it can provide
additional external connectors as shown in the concept model in Figure 16.
The battery adapter flexspace provides the following voltages and signals: +5VDC @ 1A,
3.3VDC @ 1A, two USB 2.0 ports and two GPIO discretes to the EC processor.