Dri-Eaz Dri-Dog Dryer Quick Start Manual Download Page 1

07-00232D 2011-11  Warranty 07-00419


Dri-Eaz Products, Inc.

Owner’s Manual

Pet Drying Products

Dri-Dog Dryer (F229), Sahara HP GS TurboDryer (F398), and Multi-Cage Adapter Kit (F202)


15180 Josh Wilson Road, Burlington, WA 98233

Phone: 800-932-3030

Fax: 360-757-7950




R E A D   A N D   S A V E   T H E S E   I N S T R U C T I O N S

About Natural Volume Air Drying

Natural Air Volume Drying (NAVD)

is the safest and 

most efficient way to dry pets. It not only makes a 
groomer's job easier, but is a safe, healthy alternative to 
traditional heat drying methods.

NAVD delivers high volume, room temperature air to 
speed water evaporation. The blast of ambient air lifts and 
separates a dog's coat, resulting in fast drying times, fluffy 
coats and happy pets.

NAVD is safer than traditional heat drying because pets 
are not exposed to potentially dangerous heat levels. 
Room temperature air ensures a less stressful 
environment for drying pets.

The keys to faster, more effective pet drying are 
airflow, dehumidification and temperature. 

NAVD takes 

place when all three of these elements are in place.


Airflow speeds the drying process. The greater the 
airflow, the faster pets dry. 


Dehumidification, or creating a “dry zone” where 
drying is being done is a critical element in speeding 
the drying process. In an enclosed grooming area, the 
bathing process releases moisture into the air. A 
dehumidifier absorbs the humid air and returns it to 
the environment as dry air. Fresh, dry air absorbs 
more moisture, speeds evaporation and reduces 
odors. Information about Dri-Eaz portable 
dehumifidiers is available at 



Temperature is one of the most misunderstood 
elements of the drying process. Too little heat slows 
the drying process, but too much heat is unsafe for 
pets and uncomfortable for groomers. Effective and 
safe drying takes place in the presence of warm, 
ambient air at an approximate temperature of 72–74°
F or 22–23° C. Pets feel comfortable in room 
temperature air, and tend not to shy away as they do 
from the high heat created by traditional dryers. 
Warm, dry air keeps pets from getting chilled and 
prevents hypothermia.

NAVD deeply penetrates a dog's wet coat. The ambient 
temperature airflow is less harmful to a dog's coat and
skin than traditional heat drying which robs moisture from 
the skin, leaving it red, flaky and hot to the touch. Faster 
drying not only frees up more time for grooming, but it also 
enhances working conditions for grooming technicians. 
NAVD inhibits the growth of mold and mildew in grooming 
areas, thereby reducing unpleasant musty odors.

NAVD helps groomers make the most efficient use of their 
time, safely and effectively.

This document provides pet drying tips based on NAVD 
principles using Dri-Eaz airmovers and accessories. With 
proper care, Dri-Eaz equipment will provide years of 
reliable effective pet drying, ensuring happy pets and 
satisfied customers.  
