Annual inspection and maintenance
dreizler A 3001 E - 18.12.2015 | A 2006 - 1.15 | EN - 10.12.2015
56.4 Recommendation
and BDH recommend in agreement with ZVSHK and in line with the relevant regulations, direc-
tives and technical rules for burners in heat and steam generator systems to distinguish between inspection
and maintenance.
In order to maintain functional safety and energy quality, an inspection is recommended at least once
and/or after max.
4000 operating hours
(operation with flame) by a specialist service provider (drei-
-certified). If during inspection, a condition is detected, which will require
maintenance work
, these
tasks should be carried out
as needed
Self-diagnosis systems should only be taken into consideration in terms of a lengthening of inspection in-
tervals, where all inspection-relevant functions are self-diagnosing.
The manufacturer lists components that are prone to natural wear and tear as wear parts in spare parts lists.
In addition, it is recommended to replace safety-relevant components (see point 1.6) when their nominal
lifespan has been reached.
These replacements can be carried out within the scope of maintenance as needed, or as a separate repair
order to keep up functional safety, e.g. by way of replacing safety-relevant components. These tasks must
be agreed on separately with the client.
56.5 Remarks on inspection and maintenance of heat generators
The periodic annual
scope of inspection
should comprise at least the following in order to maintain effi-
ciency and to safeguard functional safety. The condition of wear parts (see point 3) must be ascertained
during inspection and maintenance.
General condition checks
Visual and functional checks including all safety and control devices
Check safety-relevant components for remaining nominal lifespan (see point 1.6).
Check of all fuel and water carrying system parts for leakage, visible corrosion and ageing
Check of the burner including ignition and monitoring devices
Check of the combustion chamber and heating area for contamination
Check for supply of sufficient volume of combustion air and/or combustion air components
Check of the waste gas lines for function and safety
Check of the water level and supply pressure of membrane expansion vessels where required
Check of heating water composition where required in systems using inhibitors
Check of the filling water processing system, where this system is required in accordance with current
Check of the condensate output line including the neutralisation system
Check of the drinking water heater for temperature settings, tightness and function
Check of the corrosion protection anode on the drinking water heater
Check of the requirement-dependent settings of the heating circuit, storage charging and circulation
pumps and their function
Check of the specific monitoring and control device in a steam generator
Check of the components for feed water processing, feed water supply and control, and the desalina-
tion in steam generators
Final check of all inspection work by way of measuring and subsequent documentation of measurement
and test results
need-related scope of maintenance
depends on the specific heat and steam generator installed. De-
pending on the components used, the following is a sample list of the maintenance tasks to be completed.