Annual inspection and maintenance
dreizler A 3001 E - 18.12.2015 | A 2006 - 1.15 | EN - 10.12.2015
56 Annual inspection and maintenance
56.1 Annual maintenance and replacement of safety-relevant components
In cooperation with and with reference to the technical documentation of the BDH (Bundesverband
Deutschland Heizungs-, Energie- und Umwelttechnik e.V. - German National Association for Heating, En-
ergy and Environmental Technology), we would like to provide the following information for operators, plan-
ners and specialist companies as a guideline for annual inspections and requirement-dependent
maintenance of oil, gas and dual fuel burners in heat and steam generator facilities, and for the replacement
of safety-relevant components. This document has, however, been compiled without any claim to com-
pleteness and we would like to expressly point out that system-specific characteristics may require addi-
tional actions to be taken for proper operation.
Maintaining functional safety and energy efficiency in a heat or steam generating system will require peri-
odic inspections with focus on environmental aspects. Due to continued technical developments, control
measures for modern heat and steam generators
and associated components can be subdivided into
tasks. The EU Directive 2002/91/EC on 'overall energy efficiency in buildings'
furthermore demands periodic control measures for heating and airconditioning systems for the long-term
provision of high levels of efficiency and therefore lowest possible environmental impact.
In terms of safety, specific components of heating and steam generating systems and burners must be re-
placed once a nominal lifespan has been reached (see point 1.6).
With this in mind and with a view to regulations, directives and technical rules, dreizler
and the BDH work
in agreement with the ZVSHK (Zentralverband Sanitär Heizung Klima - Federal Association for Sanitation,
Heating and Climate Technology) towards a common goal of compiling clear guidelines for the inspection
and maintenance of burners and heating/steam generating systems, and for the pre-emptive replacement
of safety-relevant components. Additional maintenance measures for these systems are required depend-
ing on facility type and components used. Requirement-based maintenance implies periodic inspections.
In this context, the terms inspection and maintenance can be independently defined and described.
56.2 Definitions
In accordance with agreements, servicing is subdivided into upkeeping and restoration measures.
The upkeeping measures include:
(Activities are limited to the periodic ascertainment of the current condition by way of visual
checks/ control actions and measurements).
(Activities for keeping up the target state)
The restoration measures include:
(Activities for restoring the target state)
56.3 Inspection and maintenance scope
The inspection and mainenance scope depends on the type of devices and the components included in the
system, environmental aspects, user habits and the manufacturer's instructions.
The following sections include a sample list of inspection and/or maintenance activities without any claim
for completeness.
Heat generators that are operated with gas types provided by public utility companies in accordance with
DVGW Policy G 260 and heating oils in compliance with DIN 51603-1.