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Reference Manual ATOM one SSM500
[bit3] = 1: torque control
Determines the features of the motor:
[bit0] = 1: position control (mandatory if motor active)
[bit1] = 1: speed control
[bit2] = 1: step mode control
[bit3] = 1: torque control
Determines the features of the motor:
[bit0] = 1: position control (mandatory if motor active)
[bit1] = 1: speed control
[bit2] = 1: step mode control
[bit3] = 1: torque control
Determines the features of the motor:
[bit0] = 1: position control (mandatory if motor active)
[bit1] = 1: speed control
[bit2] = 1: step mode control
[bit3] = 1: torque control
Determines the features of the motor:
[bit0] = 1: position control (mandatory if motor active)
[bit1] = 1: speed control
[bit2] = 1: step mode control
[bit3] = 1: torque control
18.2 lens_active <activate>
This command can be used to activate the lens drive unit. To do so call it with the activate
parameter set to “1”. Any other value for the activate parameter will return an error.
The camera searches for a lens drive unit at the AUX connector. For this search the
settings of chapter 18.1 are used. If the camera was not able to find the lens, it returns a
lens_active 1
Sometimes the activate command returns with an error, even if the lens driver is
correctly configured. In this case, save the settings in the camera (see 7.4) and power-
cycle the camera.
This command can also be used to determine the current status of the lens drive unit:
Return Value
No lens drive unit connected / lens drive unit not active
Lens drive unit is active
18.3 lens_invert <invFilter> <invIris> <invZoom> <invFocus>
This command can be used to invert the movement of the motors.