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Reference Manual ATOM one SSM500
Solid Blue
System is running normally
Yellow flashing
Device is shutting down
Solid Red
Device is rebooting
Red flashing
Reboot delay
Device is waiting before performing
reboot (short, temporary power off)
Solid Yellow
Device is powered down, but power is
still attached
The left LED labeled “Cam” shows the status of the image processing system. The image
processor is started after the operating system has finished booting (see above).
Solid Purple
Powered Down
Image processing core is powered down
(will be shown during boot or shutdown)
Yellow flashing
Device is processing a command or
loading settings
Red flashing
Genlock Error
Device was unable to lock to genlock
Toggle between Yellow and
Over Temperature
The device reached it’s maximum
temperature of 90°C and is in a low
power state to cool down
Blue flashing
Device is up and waiting for commands
3.5 OLED Display
The ATOM one SSM500 has a build in OLED display which shows additional status
information. This includes the current firmware version and the IP address.
The OLED display will show the following screens, each screen is shown for 3 seconds
before switching to the next screen:
Main Screen:
Shows the operational mode (“TRIG” for the Trigger Mode and
“SSM” for the SSM Mode), the firmware version and the IP address.
Genlock Screen:
Shows the Genlock status. See chapter 10.6 for details.
Record Screen:
Only displayed if a recording is running, shows the buffer which is
currently used for recording (Trigger Mode only).
Playback Screen:
Only displayed if playback is running, shows the buffer which is
currently used for playback (Trigger Mode only).
Phases Screen:
Shows the number of active phases (SSM Mode only).