LP722 Quick Guide
The LP722 electronic programmer will automatically switch on and off three times a day if
required. It allows you to choose different timings Mon to Fri and Sat and Sun or individually for
every day of the week if required.
LP722 has a Real Time Clock Module fitted and you will not need to set the day or time as this is
automatically done for you. In addition this unit now automatically adjusts itself for BST and
GMT so you don’t need to change that either.
Important Note:
Before setting unit, press and hold the “SET” and “+” buttons for a minimum of 5 seconds to
reset to defaults (display will go blank).
To set up required ON/OFF times
• Press the “SET” button to display “SET PROG”
• Press “YES” button to display “SET MON TO FRI”,
• Press “YES” button to display “SET CH MON TO FRI”
• Press “YES” button to display the first ON time “6:30 AM ON”, by pressing either of the
buttons “+” or “-“ SELECT your first ON time.