Before and after each measurement, the detector must be disinfected.
Careful and thorough cleaning and disinfection of the instrument is
one of the most important conditions for proper usage.
We recommend wiping the probe with gauze, cotton linen or even
tissue paper to clean it of mucus, faeces, urine or hair, especially
around the electrodes.
Next, it is best to wash it under running water and finally immerse it
in a disinfecting solution.
Always use disinfectants at concentrations given by the producer, as
if not used properly they may cause irritation of the vaginal lining,
wiping the probe clean before use will prevent this from happening.
Hibiscrub is recommended for disinfecting, however if you use Savlon
or Dettox, then the solution strength of no more than 1% should be
The disinfecting solution should be freshly prepared before the
detector is used again.
DRAMIŃSKI would like to emphasise the importance of maintaining
your detector in a hygienic condition. Carelessness about sterility or
improper usage may lead to infection of the uterus. After each usage,
wash, disinfect and dry your detector.
A typical graph indicating the fluctuations in vaginal mucus resistance
is presented. The optimal mating period is indicated.
Often in practice, there are variations to this normal curve and
the maximum peak reading between animals. Thus, this
optimal graph may be adjusted to each breeder's own
experience and that of the individual bitch.
Some bitches may peak at 400 units where others peak at
600, 750 or over a 1000, but it is important to remember that
it is the profile trace that is important and NOT the actual
value of the readings.
We recommend the following interpretation of readings:
If the reading is between 100-200 units, there is no need to take
daily measurements.