Dräger Medical, Inc.
Incubator 8000 SC
July 2003
Procedure for Periodic Manufacturer's Service
1. A PMS Checklist Incubator 8000 SC form, available from the Dräger Medical, Inc.
Technical Service Department, shall be completed by the Technical Service
Representative each time a PMS is performed.
2. Caution: Service, Inspection and Calibration are to be performed by Dräger trained and
authorized Service Personnel only!
3. Note: Test Equipment for this procedure is listed in the document "Test equipment for
CCS devices". DO NOT USE any test equipment having an expired calibration date.
Test equipment for CCS devices
4. Warning: During Service and Inspection some systems may be disconnected. Ensure
these systems are reconnected, test equipment is removed and all covers are replaced
after testing!
5. Perform Periodic Manufacturer's Service according to the document "Test Certificate
Incubator 8000 SC" except for test items 5 through 5.2 "Safety Checks" (Electrical
safety test according to VDE 0751) and test items 7 through 7.10.12:
Test Certificate Incubator 8000 SC
6. Perform electrical safety test according to the following Instructions
"Incubator 8000 IC/SC/NC, Electrical Safety Test in the USA and Canada":
With DNI Nevada Model µ-Test 2000
If necessary record the measured values additional to the PMS Checklist in the
following form:
Electrical Safety Test Form Incubator
7. Important information for US and Canadian units: The option ThermoMonitoring
(software version 11.n) is not available in the USA and Canada.
8. Completely fill in the header information of the document PMS Checklist
Incubator 8000 SC.