LAN Security
The Telnet interface is available on TCP port 2002. It is enabled by default per section
10.1 LAN
The web interface is available on the HTTP port 80 and HTTPS (SSLv3) port 443. Both are enabled by
default. HTTP can be disabled per section
, but HTTPS is always active.
All file transfers take place over HTTP/HTTPS; scp, sftp, ftp are not supported.
LAN Lockdown
Telnet and HTTP can be disabled via the TTY interface. HTTP can be disabled via either Telnet or USB
sessions, but Telnet can only be disabled via a USB session.
To lockdown, browse to C)onfig, L)ockdown. This will display the port each service is running on or
"LOCKDOWN" if it is locked down. Press T)elnet or H)TTP to toggle lockdown for that service. Note that
services are locked down immediately, but changes must be saved by escaping to the top menu to
persist a reboot.