dormakaba USA Inc. System User Guide 7040.1121 Rev E 10/22 | 21 User Mode – Non-Display Keypad
This function is not available on the 701 series of Keypad.
Follow these steps to change the User Mode on a non-Display Keypad:
Using the Keypad, input #12 + Master ID and Combi User Mode (0 = Single User, 1 = Dual User, 2 =
Dual User + Mgr) + <return key> (←).
The Keypad will beep three times and flash a green LED once complete.
3.3.7 Credential Mode (703B, 704B, and 705 Models Only)
The Credential Mode defines the number and type of credentials required to access the Keypad and the
Manager menu. Credential Mode is a system setting and applies to all safe locks connected to the Keypad. By
default, the safe lock System is set to Single Credential Mode. The Master User will always be set to Single
Credential Mode and is unaffected by this change.
Table 6 – Credential Modes
Lock Access
Manager Menu Access
1 Access User or 1 Manager
1 Manager
1 Access User + key fob or 1 Manager
1 Manager
Dual + Mgr
1 Access User + key fob or 1 M key fob
1 M key fob
Follow these steps to change the Credential Mode:
Enter an Authorized User ID and Combination.
Navigate through the Main Menu and select “System”.
From the sub-menu, select “Cred Mode”.
From the list provided, select between “Single”, “Dual”, and “Dual + Mgr”.
“Success Mode updated” will appear on screen and the Keypad will beep three times and flash a green
LED once complete.
3.3.8 Duress Mode (Silent Alarm)
Duress Mode (Silent Alarm) is not UL evaluated for either Display or Non-Display Keypads. Duress Mode
(Silent Alarm) will only work if a LA GARD Series 700 Alarm Box is installed to Lock #1 BAT port.
Duress Mode functions as a silent alarm that creates an external signal if a Duress Combination is entered. A
Duress Combination is the User’s combination with the last digit entered one number higher or lower. For
instance, a User Combination of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 will use a Duress Combination of either 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-7 or 1-2-
3-4-5-6-7-9. When the Duress Combination is entered, a silent alarm will signal, and the lock will open. In multi-
lock setup, alarm signals will emanate from the primary lock only.
Combinations ending in 0 would use 1 or 9. Combinations ending in 9 will use 0 or 8. Duress Mode – Display Keypad
Follow these steps to Enable/Disable Duress Mode on a Display Keypad: