Dryflo, MMA and MMB
Integral Housed Fan
To access wheels, remove exhaust pack, motor and bolts.
Lift out motor/wheel assembly.
To reinstall motor wheel assembly, apply sealant to the
outside edge of the bolt pattern on the fan blower housing.
Reinstall the motor/wheel assembly using hardware from
Step 1.
Note: Wheel assembly should extend 1/8 +0.0 to -1/16 past
the top of the inlet ring when properly installed.
Torque set screw to 10-11 Ft Lb, not to exceed 13-Ft Lb for
aluminum hubs (typical).
For steel hubs, set torque to 11-13 Ft Lb, not to exceed 14-
Ft Lb
3. Rotate fan wheel after installation to ensure proper rotation.
Minihelic Gauge
Periodically check the filters to establish the maintenance requirements for the specific application. All applications will be
different based on the operating conditions and load potential of the machinery being served. As the filters load, the system
resistance increases, and the pressure indicator increases.
Note: Monitor all filters initially. Not all filters have the same replacement cycle because they are designed for different
efficiencies and extend the life of the third-stage filter. Also, note that as the filters load, system suction pressure
When observation or insufficient airflow indicates filter maintenance, document the reading of the pressure gauge. This
pressure reading represents filter maintenance required. Because not all filters load at the same rate, the operator determines
which filter to use as a guide for planned maintenance. When this is established, use the setscrew on the front of the gauge to
set the systems operating range.
Optional Fourth-Stage HEPA Filter
Release the latches on both sides of the HEPA filter frame.
Dispose of used filter properly.
Install new HEPA filter with the gasket facing the frame and
the airflow arrow pointing away from the collector.
HEPA Filter Replacement
HEPA filter