Configurable Safety System SAFEMASTER PRO
0265525 / 16.05.19 en / 101A
After validating and uploading the project to the UG6911.10 (or UG6911.12/080 and connecting all the
safety devices, you must test the system to verify its correct operation
This is done by forcing a change of status for each safety device connected to the SAFEMASTER PRO to check
that the status of the outputs actually changes.
The following example is helpful for understanding the TEST procedure.
In the normal operating condition (E-GATE closed) Input1 and Input2 are closed and the output of the
E-GATE block is set to high logic level; in this mode the safety outputs (OSSD1/2) are active and the
power supply to the relative terminals is 24 V DC.
When the E-GATE is physically opened, the condition of the inputs and thus of the outputs of the E-GATE
block will change: (Output = 1
0); the condition of the OSSD1 OSSD2 safety outputs will change from
24 V DC to 0 V DC. If this change is detected the mobile E-GATE is connected correctly.
For the correct installation of each external sensor/component refer to their installation manual.
This test must be performed for each safety component in the project.