2015 DJI. All Rights Reserved.
Hints and Tips
Thank you for purchasing the DJI Manifold (abbreviated as “Manifold”). Users must comply with
local radio transmission laws and regulations when using this product. By using this product, you
hereby agree to this disclaimer and signify that you understand all points completely. Please use
this product in strict accordance with the manual and be sure to pay attention to the warnings.
When assembling and using this product, follow all instructions carefully. SZ DJI TECHNOLOGY
CO., LTD. and its affiliated companies assume no liability for damage(s) or injuries incurred directly
or indirectly from improper use of this product.
DJI is the registered trademark of SZ DJI TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. (abbreviated as “DJI”). Names
of products, brands, etc., appearing in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective owner companies. This product and manual are copyrighted by DJI with all rights
reserved. No part of this product or manual shall be reproduced in any form without the prior
written consent or authorization of DJI.
This disclaimer is produced in various languages. In the event of divergence among different
versions, the Chinese version shall prevail when the product in question is purchased in Mainland
China, and the English version shall prevail when the product in question is purchased in any
other region.
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