Ground System
DJI Lightbridge 2
User Manual
2015 DJI. All Rights Reserved.
4. The Ground System Status Indicator will blink blue and emit a beep sound when the Ground
System is ready to link.
5. Press the Link Button on the Air System to begin linking. The Ground System Status Indicator
will glow solid green if linking is successful.
The linked Ground System will disconnect from the Air System if another Master Ground
System attempts to link to the same Air System.
Ground System Compliance
The Ground System is compliant with the CE and FCC standards.
RC Control Settings
RC Calibration
Stick Mode
Default stick mode is Mode 2, changing stick modes alters the way the aircraft is controlled.
Do not change unless familiar with your new mode.
Linking RC
RC Control Settings
RC Calibration
Stick Mode
Default stick mode is Mode 2, changing stick modes alters the way the aircraft is controlled.
Do not change unless familiar with your new mode.
Linking RC
Searching for aircraft frequency,
timeout in 54 seconds
Press the linking button on the air
system to link this remote controller