Dive Rite DRT-43-4 Quick Start Manual Download Page 1

User Product Data Sheet 

VER 1.2 

DRT-43-4 EZ Solenoid Inline Shutoff 


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EZ Solenoid Inline Shutoff


Product Description 


EZ Solenoid Inline Shutoff 

The EZ Solenoid Inline Shutoff gives the rebreather diver 
positive control of the on-board oxygen supply when dealing 
with ascents or with troubleshooting.  Located near the oxygen 
manual-addition valve, it also allows for easy connection of an 
off-board oxygen source.  Only one hose leaves the oxygen 
cylinder and plugs into the manifold mounted to the oxygen 
addition valve. 

A Right-Angle Adapter (RG1350/RG1355) must be used to 
route the solenoid hose up thru the slot in the frame with 
oxygen manual-addition hose from the first stage.  It is 
suggested that the oxygen-regulator Over-Pressurization (OP) 
valve be moved to the original position of the solenoid hose in 
order to better protect it. 


First-Stage Hoses, Over-Pressure Valve and Port-Plug 


Using an 11/16 open-end (or similar) wrench, remove the 
oxygen (green) low-pressure hose from the canister. 


Using a 9/16 open-end wrench, remove the other end of 
the hose at the oxygen-regulator first stage. 


Using a 1/2-inch open-end wrench, remove the OP valve 
from the oxygen-regulator first-stage. 


Insert the OP valve in the hole where the low-pressure 
hose was removed, and carefully tighten using a 1/2-inch 
open-end wrench.  Do not over-tighten. 


Insert a port-plug (RG1245Black) in the hole where the OP 
valve was removed, and carefully tighten using a 1/8-inch 
Allen wrench.  Do not over-tighten. 


 The rebreather should never be used without 

the OP valve.  It is an important piece of safety 
equipment should the high-pressure seat of the first-
stage fail, causing a rupture of a hose and potential 


Canister Right-Angle Adapter 


Using an 11/16-inch wrench, remove the hose from the 
oxygen-supply port at the bottom of the CO



canister (if not already done). 


Using an 11/16-inch wrench, carefully install a RG1350 
Right-Angle Adapter (not included) to the oxygen-supply 
port at the bottom of the absorbent canister and tighten.  
Align the Adapter so the open-end is pointed inwards, or 
towards the centerline of the rebreather.  Do not over-
tighten the fitting. 


Using an 11/16-inch wrench, carefully attach an HOLP28G 
oxygen hose to the Right-Angle Adapter and tighten.  Do 
not over-tighten the fitting. 


  A hose with an in-line shutoff should not be 

used in this application. 


Route the hose through the slot in the frame and along the 
right shoulder to the EZ Solenoid Inline Shutoff and attach 
it, using a 9/16-inch wrench. 


EZ Solenoid Inline Shutoff 

•  Remove the oxygen hose from the oxygen manual-

addition valve on the right counterlung. 


Attach the EZ Solenoid Inline Shutoff to the oxygen 
manual-addition valve. 


Re-attach the oxygen hose to the open EZ Solenoid Inline 
Shutoff port. 



