Operating Instruction
3. Dvice info: Displays the current name of the device, MCU and HTML of version number(Same as on
the screen)
4. “√”show that open or connect normally, “×”show that close or not connected.
Status interface
12.1 Input interface
Interface introduction: This page is mainly used for renaming input ports, switching video signals
(opened by default), switching audio input, selecting EDID, and switching audio source signals.
1. Rename: Modify the current name of input port, support 1~15 characters(numbers, letters and
underscores) which is synchronized with the screen.
2. Video: Switch input video, Once the input video is off, the audio extraction output is muted.
3. Audio: Switch audio of audio source (include HDMI and embedded audio), The default is on.
4. Audio Source: Switch audio source, HDMI: select input source audio, ENC: select embedded audio
5. Switch EDID: Set default, copy, user EDID, and show EDID information(HDR, audio channel,
resolution, colour gamut)
6. User EDID: Save default/copy EDID to User EDID, and upgrade the BIN file to the User EDID.
7. All: select all input ports to realize fast switch .