Issued by: PM approved by DG Rev.07 date 12/06/16 pag. 1/6
Device for permanent auto mapping
function with Bosch wideband O2 sensor
(For racing vehicle use only)
My Tuning Bike is an accessory for Rapid Bike Evo and Racing modules that allows an automapping of the
injection by means of a wideband Bosch O2 sensor instead of the OEM narrowband sensor.
It converts and sends the signal of a Bosch LSU 4.9 017 025 wideband O2 sensor* to the RapidBike module
through the CAN-BUS line. Then the RapidBike module will calculate, with a frequency of 20ms, the
adjustments needed to reach the A.F.R. target previously set and it will store them into a dedicated map.
My Tuning Bike is a universal product that can be installed on every vehicle equipped with a Rapid Bike Evo
or Racing module.
*For My Tuning Bike manufactured up to the end of 2015, a Bosch LSU 4.2 7351 wideband O2 sensor is