Function of the storage heater
2. Function of the storage heater
General description
A storage heater stores the heat it needs for the next
day in its storage core, usually over night. This means
that electrical energy is saved at a time when the elec
tricity distribution grids run by the energy suppliers
are not fully utilised.
In certain regions, the storage heater can be set so
that additional heat is stored at defined times of the
day. The majority of the energy is usually charged and
stored over night, however.
When the storage heater is in operation, cracking
noises can sometimes be heard. This is completely
normal and is due to temperature changes in the stor
age core.
First heat up
As with all new devices, new materials in the heating
device can give off a slight odour in the first days of
Please ensure that there is sufficient ventilation.
Thermal storage
The quantity of thermal energy (charge) stored in the
heating device core is determined by the charge con
troller integrated in the device. The user has several
options for operating the charge controller:
Weather-dependent charging with central charge
Room-dependent charging
Manual charge reduction
Weather-dependent charging
For this, a central charge control device is fitted in the
distribution with outside temperature recording
(weather sensor).
In this configuration, the charge quantity is deter
mined based on the user entries and the weather con
Manual charge reduction
This enables the user to adjust the charge quantity in
10% increments if no central charge control is pres
In this configuration, the heating device charges the
percentage value set by the user as a maximum, re
gardless of the weather and room conditions.
Room-dependent charging (automatic mode)
If this mode is activated, the charge electronics calcu
lates the charge quantity based on the room temper
ature conditions to fulfil the heat consumption of the
user as effectively as possible.
Heat output
The room temperature control takes place via the
room temperature controller integrated in the heating
device as standard, but can also take place via a room
temperature controller mounted externally.
The external room temperature controller is a sepa
rate item which is not contained in the scope of sup
ply of this product.
The desired configuration is set up by the installer.
The quantity of thermal energy output by the storage
heater is regulated automatically by the room temper
ature controller. If the room temperature falls below
the set value, the room temperature controller
switches the fan of the storage heater on automati
cally. The heating device also has other options. The
most important options are outlined briefly below:
Timer week program
Time-dependent specification of comfort and energy
saving mode. The desired room temperature can be
set in comfort mode. In energy saving mode, the room
temperature set for comfort mode is lowered auto
Supplementary heating (optional)
If the stored charge is not sufficient to heat the room
up to the desired temperature, the SUPPLEMENTARY
HEATING function provides additional heat.
This function can only be used in conjunction with the
This device is delivered with Bluetooth® activated as
standard. Bluetooth® can be deactivated in the “Ex
tended menu”.
Open window detection
The room heating device is equipped with a monitor
ing function that detects whether unnecessary en
ergy is being consumed due to an open window. In
this case, the heating device reduces the heat output.
Products from the VFE range are protected by at least
one of the following patents:
Great Britain: GB2481048, GB2487147, GB2487148,
GB2487781, GB2500736, GB2511538, GB2526552
International: EP2830832, EP2831688, EP2965166,
EP3132324, WO2011154521, WO2013144170,
WO2014135667, WO2015181136