©2012 Digitrax, Inc.
16.0 Programming & Reading Your Digitrax Decoders
Your DCC Decoders have many different
configuration variables
(CVs for
short) that let you set up a different set of characteristics for each decoder
installed in a locomotive. When you want to change a loco’s address, set up
how its lights work, change its momentum characteristics, etc. you will pro-
gram new CV values into the appropriate CVs to set it up just the way you
Each CV controls a characteristic of the decoder. See your decoder manual for
a list of the most commonly used CVs and their meanings. A Digitrax Decoder
Manual is included as a part of your Zephyr Xtra system. Each decoder comes
pre-programmed with factory settings that will let you run it right away. We
recommend that you use the factory settings until you are comfortable with
running your layout with Digital Command Control.
If you are using non-
Digitrax decoders or sound decoders, please consult the manual provided by
the manufacturer for how CV’s are used and programming instructions.
The factory set address for all Digitrax decoders is 03. This is the first CV you
will want to change because it is not very useful to have all of your locos
respond to the same address.
Decoders are programmed when the command station sends programming
information to them through the rails. Your DCS51 supports two types of pro-
Service Mode Programming
is done on an electrically isolated programming
track. Using this mode, the command station broadcasts programming informa-
tion to all decoders on the program track. Because this is a broadcast mode,
you must isolate the decoder you want to program from the others on the lay-
out by using a separate programming track that is connected to the command
station for programming but not powered for operation of the locomotive. This
mode works with all DCC decoders. This is the most commonly used program-
ming method.
Operations Mode Programming
is done on the layout by sending program-
ming commands to a specific locomotive address while they are powered on
the mainline or main layout track. To use this mode, you must have decoders
that are capable of operations mode programming. The programming track is
not used when using ops mode programming.
Your DCS51 has two sets of DCC outputs. This means that you will be able to
program decoders using one set of DCC outputs while the layout is running on
the other set of DCC outputs. When you hooked up your DCS51 to the layout,
you used the
connections to the track. Now we will use the
prOg a
outputs to set up a programming track.
The programming track is powered for programming only and cannot
run locomotives. You will have to manually move your locomotive on to the
track whether using the siding or isolated track programming setup.