The use of transponders installed in rolling stock and transpon-
der detectors installed in the layout to allow the system to determine the loca-
tion of a particular piece of rolling stock on the layout. Other information
about the rolling stock such as speed, direction, etc. can also be determined.
Transponding is useful for automation of staging yards, dispatching and for
realistic sound systems.
Universal Consisting:
the command station handles all consist information
and lets you consist locos with any DCC decoder as well as analog locos. The
locos can be added to and deleted from the consist in any orientation head to
head or tail to tail.
Yes use the
Y / +
key to answer questions in the DT402 text message dis-
incorporates a time period between packets to give you an
effective DC offset between the two rails. This allows you to control a DC
locomotive along with the DCC locomotives on a DCC system.