Operating Instructions
Operator’s Manual
Summary of Basic Operating Procedure
Setting Up SST Laptop
1. Plot topography, drill plan, and planned deviation.
Setting Up Equipment and Site
2. Establish bore path reference line and mark bore path.
3. Assemble and torque up non-magnetic housing to non-mag tool.
4. Align drill to marked bore path.
5. Position and align non-mag tooling assembly onto marked bore path.
6. Stage SST equipment and power source adjacent to tooling assembly.
7. Connect and power up F5 SST equipment.
8. Measure SST transmitter current draw.
9. Install SST transmitter into aligned non-mag tooling assembly.
Setting Reference Heading and Roll Offset
10. Set reference heading and shoot the probe.
11. Set roll offset on remote display (if needed).
12. Set roll offset on receiver (if needed).
Calibrating SST Transmitter and Confirming Proper System Operation
13. Calibrate SST transmitter to receiver.
14. Measure SST transmitter current draw in housing.
15. Verify pitch readings using digital level.
16. Connect SST equipment to the drill.
17. Start LWD program and confirm system operation.
Logging Drill Run
18. Log Rod 0 (zero).
19. Locate (if possible), override data (if necessary), and continue to log.
20. Compensate for differences bet
ween tool’s logged position data and tracked position.
21. Pull back rods, resteer, and relog.
22. Save drill data occasionally.
23. Log last rod.
24. Save project.