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This system application is needed to import a customized reg file into the Registry.
Don’t forget to use the “SaveReg” application (described below) to save your reg file once installed.
This system application is needed to save all information that the Operating System or the
applications save into the Registry.
It’s necessary because Windows Registry, and also all the folders except the ones in the Hard Disk or
the Storage Card, are not saved to disk but to RAM, and so their content is lost when the Force One is
powered off. This assures that Windows boots from a known clean situation every time. To save
registry changes you need to use this program.
We suggest to the developers not to use the registry to save application’s configurations files, but to
save them in “Hard Disk” folder instead. This avoids the necessity of continuous registry savings,
which is a discouraged operation. Using configuration files also allows a faster and safer update of
application’s parameters, because only a small configuration file has to be transferred instead of the
whole big Windows Registry.