NB IoT Smart Access LDK400
This manual outlines the functions of the NB IoT Smart access LDK400 door locking systems,
how to install and use the product.
The technology
The NB IoT Smart access LDK400 door locking system is mounted on the door leaf like a book
binding, and screwed together for any doors with thickness 32-55mm.
The NB IoT Smart access LDK400 door locking system is operated completely independent of
any external cable connections (product is battery powered with 4 standard AA batteries) and
can be installed and operated on the majority of commercially available doors.
The operation of the NB IoT Smart access LDK400 door locking system occurs via NB IoT
technology, combined with NFC technology, and with cloud-based software and smartphone
In order to unlock the lock, any smartphone which can connect to the internet, which has also
been authorized, can be used. Smartphones which have NFC inbuilt (most Android phones)
which have also been authorized, can be held in front of the lock to gain access (within 2-4
centimeters) from black cover with NB IoT logo stamp. NFC tokens/keycards, which have been
authorised can also be used for unlocking. With these authorized devices/tokens, a mechanical
coupling is activated for a few seconds that allows the LDK400 to be opened and closed using
the door handle.
After the NB IoT Smart access LDK400 door locking system has recognised a valid digital key,
a mechanical coupling is produced for several seconds between the door locking system and
the mortise lock. The mortise lock can be closed in the same way as mortise locks with profile
cylinders. The door locks when it is closed. Operation is single-handed.
Deadbolt security
The NB IoT Smart access LDK400 door locking system the door can be
‘deadbolt’ locked and is
not just left on the latch. To unlock the door, the bolt and latch are operated via the NB IoT
Smart access LDK400 door locking system turn knob to release the door. The deadbolt can also
be turned for use from the inside of the door.
The NB IoT Smart access LDK400 door locking system is an autonomous door locking system
that can manage an unlimited number of users, on any time-limitable digital keys, and an
unlimited number of locks per account. With this, individual time-limited access rights can be
assigned to every user. The fact that every digital key can be authorised for every lock, means a
high degree of flexibility is reached. Various access profiles can be set within the locking
If a digital key on a NFC card/token or smartphone is lost, the digital key can be deleted, and
replaced with another digital key, without making it necessary to physically attend to the NB IoT
Smart access LDK400 door locking system.