Electrical Data
29 September 1997 – Subject To Change
Power Supply Considerations
Plus 5 V is not used in the 21164PC. The voltage difference between the Vdd pins
and Vss pins must never be greater than 3.46 V, and the voltage difference between
the Vddi pins and Vss pins must never be greater than 2.6 V. If the differentials
exceed these limits, the 21164PC chip will be damaged.
9.5.1 Decoupling
The effectiveness of decoupling capacitors depends on the amount of inductance
placed in series with them. The inductance depends both on the capacitor style (con-
struction) and on the module design. In general, the use of small, high-frequency
capacitors placed close to the chip package’s power and ground pins with very short
module etch will give best results. Depending on the user’s power supply and power
supply distribution system, bulk decoupling may also be required on the module.
The 21164PC requires two sets of decoupling capacitors: one for Vdd and one for
Vddi. Vdd Decoupling
The amount of decoupling capacitance connected between Vdd and Vss should be
roughly equal to 10 times the amount of capacitive load that 21164PC is required to
drive at any one time. This should guarantee a voltage drop of no more than 10% on
Vdd during heavy drive conditions.
Use capacitors that are as physically small as possible. Connect the capacitors
directly to the 21164PC Vdd and Vss pins by short surface etch (0.64 cm [0.25 in] or
less). The small capacitors generally have better electrical characteristics than the
larger units and will more readily fit close to the IPGA pin field.
When designing the placement of decoupling capacitors, Vdd decoupling capacitors
should be favored over Vddi decoupling capacitors (that is, Vdd capacitors should
be placed closer to the 21164PC than the Vddi capacitors). Vddi Decoupling
Each individual case must be separately analyzed, but generally designers should
plan to use at least 4 µF of capacitance connected between Vddi and Vss. Typically,
30 to 40 small, high-frequency 0.1-µF capacitors are placed near the chip’s Vddi and
Vss pins. Actually placing the capacitors in the pin field is the best approach. Several
tens of µF of bulk decoupling (comprised of tantalum and ceramic capacitors) should
be positioned near the 21164PC chip.